I got shifted to the Mt.Roskill and Waterview stakes. It seriously has been probably my favorite transfer. It's just going to be a transfer of Miracles! My new companion is Elder Brady. He's from Holiday Utah. He was my DL in Panmure. I really like him and we get along really well.
We're meant to get our calls from President Porter when he calls us to have a leadership position. He didn't call this time and man was I surprised Wednesday morning when Elder Daley called to tell me. I was very nervous and scared, felt very inadequate. But those are good things. He's just amazing and loves this mission and is very excited about everything so it makes the change really easy. As for our zone, we have 3 districts of 6 missionaries each. So in all there's 20 missionaries in our zone.... quite a fair few. They are all wonderful though so it makes it good. No problems yet.
ZL's have so much responsibility. It's amazing. We've really only had time to teach about 5 lessons since Thursday. There's so many things to do for the zone and making sure things are in order. I really enjoy doing them though. It's good to know that we're helping the other missionaries in the zone. I kind of get sick of being in the car driving around though. I think I'd rather be out finding and teaching. But it's all good because it's for a good cause.
Well things are sweet. I'm really enjoying myself and I know that that's only going to continue. and I also know that it's only going to go faster. We have 11 scheduled trade-offs this transfer and those really make a transfer go fast. So I'm really excited it's going to be really fun and a very good time and chance for me to grow and improve!
I'm learning so much from E. Brady. Not only about how to be a ZL but just in general about life and the gospel. He has probably one of the strongest testimonies I've heard from a missionary. Also he has a very strong desire and will to be obedient. So that helps heaps too! We're just going to experience so many wonderful miracles this transfer and see so many blessings come!
Thanks for everything! I love you all and am grateful for everything you've done for me and are doing for me!