Hello to everyone that resides in the states! I've decided that I don't want to come home to hear all the American accents. We had a girl speak in our ward yesterday who believe it or not went to SUU and was in an institute class with Sheila. Crazy.. But she sounded just so American. It kind of really bothers me now hahaha...
It sounded like everyone had a great THANKSGIVING! I had a stir fry for dinner on rice.. It was good! I enjoyed it. But no turkey or pies. So oh well.
We got the opportunity to go to the temple on the 28th! It was the absolute best thing ever! President Porter called the day before . . . and I just said President, I feel sweet. So that was a very wonderful experience for me to go to the temple. It was a very good session. It was absolutely full. But I could feel the spirit so strong and I knew that I was in the best place I could ever be while here on this earth. I felt so calm, comfortable and safe. It was just the highlight of the mission for me. I've never felt that way in the temple before. I thought of Jeff while I was in there and how he said he had an interview. I knew he'd be a veil worker... But it was just wonderful. I'm never going 6 months without going to the temple once I go home. Never..
The rest of the week has been okay. Not much happened. Dani and Vicky are still doing good.
But anyways, Things are going sweet. Elder Bridge and I are doing well. Oh he was wondering if he could get the receipe for the peanut butter balls... hahahaha.. He loves food.... Oh and speaking of food. I noticed the other day that I've lost weight. haha. I can slide my belt around my waist pretty easily haha! It made me happy! But I'll look forward to everything that's coming up. And especially the package. I"m going to try really hard not to get homesick, I think it might be hard. But it'll be okay. haha..
(This part is to add to the missionary newsletter)
I'm so glad that we have all made the choice to serve our Heavenly Father and Savior, Jesus Christ. I remember when we were all still at school and it seemed that a mission was always there and in sight but at the same time still so far off. I can't believe that it's nearly over now. Time flies by. I hope that we can all go hard all the time and never forget how important our purpose is and never waste a minute. If we don't fulfill our purpose then the Gospel can't fulfill it's purpose. I'm so grateful for our Savior who sacrificed himself for sin so that we can all be forgiven of sin. I've never realized the importance of that principle more than I have in the past 10 months. Teach faith in Jesus Christ and the Atonement and we will be successful! Especially during the time we have now to celebrate His birth! I love you all and pray for your safety and success! Just remember.... RAMS right attitude means success! haha Love you all!
Well that's me.. tune in next week for more!
Love ya
Love Elder Davenport