Sunday, March 1, 2009

First of March

Well what a week! We just had the best week! We found 6 new investigators! Huge blessing! There's a family in there too! A mother and father and then a 1 year old! I'm really excited for them.

We had ZC this week and President Hilbig of the Area Presidency was here. It was really good. It was all about teaching about the Holy Ghost.

Well that's it for me today. Thanks for all your love, prayers and support! I really enjoy it and appreciate it. I love you all and hope you all have a sweet week!


orlibomb said...

man, i can sooo testify to the spirit that as in that room in dani's lesson. the teaching was just sooo awesome, it felt like she was, there... cause it sometimes seems that her mind is elsewhere. and when we came home, dani was different after than other lessons. the holy ghost was definitely with us that night! it was amazing!!!

Unknown said...

it was like when my mmission president Ardern taught us about the same thing, i felt more strong to teach by the spirit.
I knew that Heavenly Father was with him and gave us the spirit to teach more people.