This week has been really pretty good! We had our last ZC with President Cook, it was amazingly good! I learned so much stuff from it! We have continued to be blessed. We met with Lauryn and Dwight and things are going really well for them. They decided that she'd be baptized the same day they get married! So the 19th! She's the one who I was talking about last week.
Dwight went to oz for the week so Lauryn is at home with the girls all week. We went to see them yesterday.. It was an amazing experience. Dwight had called from oz and asked Lauryn to call us to dedicate their house. She felt weird doing that but for some reason we always just show up to their house at the appropriate times.. Well turned out that she wanted me to do it. I've never done it before so I checked the white handbook to see what it says the order is. It's just a prayer. Nothing fancy or anything like that. So I was still way nervous considering the family and their circumstances. So I said a quick prayer for help before I started. It was amazing. I just started and from then on I can't remember me even think of what to say. All I remember is beginning it and closing it. That's all I remember that I said on my own will. Everything else was just filled in by the Spirit. It was an awesome thing I've never felt before. It didn't even feel as if I was talking. So that was really neat.
We had a new investigator show up to church too. We also had Tracy (L.A.) there too. We ended up teaching an amazing lesson that was just filled with the spirit. It was really neat. We went and taught a lesson with Bro. Hirinuki to a lady who we found by a street contact. What an awesome lesson that was too! She has 2 daughters also. As we began teaching I just got a really good feeling within 5 minutes of us being there that they'd be baptized! I found out later that Elder Dixon also had that same thought around the same time! We are gonna try to set them for baptism this Thursday! But other than that things are going really well.

Elder Dixon and I are getting along really well and really things couldn't be better. We had a really funny guy that showed us his lawn mower and it was like he was trying to sell it to us. It was really funny. It got it out and did a couple of passes on his lawn and then showed us a "really nice feature" (brian reagan) on it haha. There are heaps of other funny stories that I could just go on about. But I don't have the time. But I hope everything goes really well during this week and that everyone will be safe and all that good stuff.
Elder Davenport
When you get to the bottom of the rope, tie a knot and hold on
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