Sunday, July 6, 2008

July, already.....

Our investigators who are set for baptism are doing really well still and they are still on track. Which is really good. We had a really good week. We got wet a lot. I had to buy new brake pads because I couldn't stop my bike. I almost got ran over a couple of times. A few on my bike and once in the morning while we were running. They guy didn't stop at the crosswalk like he's supposed to. Luckily, I did! haha.

We got to meet President Porter and his family on Wednesday. It was really cool. He's a funny guy but he's really good too. He knows when to have his moments. We met as a district to meet him and he went around the room and he first talked with Elder Bennett and when he said he was from Idaho, President Porter just looked in his eyes, and with a serious as could be tone asked, They have testimonies in Idaho? Then just started laughing. He is a really good one. He's got some good plans and a good vision. It'll be way neat to see things unfold.

It's amazing how much you can learn while your on a mission. I feel like I've gotten so much knowledge and so much closer to Heavenly Father than I ever have been. It's been a really neat experience thus far and I can't wait until I have many more experiences and can look back and reflect on them. It's been wonderful to be here and I'm super excited for the next 19 months of being here.

1 comment:

Kristi said...

Good job Dad on the Blog. Michael looks SO grown up and what a handsome man! I found the Davenport blogs and was so happy to read them and catch up. All your kids look GREAT! I miss you guys, there's no one like you in Inkom...Brent gets to see you once in a while, but not thanks for posting cool stuff, check out our blogs if you'd like! K. Simonson