First of all thank you for all your love and support..!!! I've definitely been able to feel the love the past couple of days!
We spoke in church yesterday.. again. I have now spoke in this ward 4 times. That's the same amount as all my other wards combined. Haha. Sometimes they are short so we get to speak. But that's okay because I am really starting to like speaking in sacrament. So it's all good.
The week was pretty good. We taught a lot of lessons. We also gave some service. One of our investigators (Wawi) had a stroke just before Christmas. We went and visited her in hospital the other week and she asked us to mow her lawn. So we went out on Saturday to mow. We both had our own mower and it took us 2 hours to finish. It was so long. But it was so worth it because she was amazingly out of hospital for the day that we went and did it. She had all her friends over to visit and when she saw us she just was so excited and kept saying my church friends are mowing my lawn! It made me feel so good.
Well I've got to go now but I hope things will keep going well! I love you all and pray for you daily! THE CHURCH IS TRUE!!!
1 comment:
oh my goodness! when i was watching him jump up and down and doing those crazy flips, i was sooo sure he was gona break his neck lol. thankfuly he didnt! :) so, kei te pai
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