After being away in Whakatane, New Zealand for seven months, Elder Davenport is back in Auckland area.Our week, Intense. We had so many good things, so many blessings. It was amazing.
My first D.M. I was just stressing out so hard about it. I was so nervous and scared. Because I know what missionaries do and what they feel when a dl leaves and a new one comes in. I've done it. But I was really just hoping for the support of them all and everything. It turned out really good. I felt good about it and one of the Elders in the district said that it was the first really spiritual dm that he's been to in a really long time. That made me feel good.
The next day we had a district leader zone leader council with President Porter. It was amazing. He was teaching us all about how to be a better leader and we did a lot of activities that were team building and stuff. It was really cool. I was really glad that I got to go to it.
The next day I was on trade off with E. Heinitz (ZL) It was fun. Most of our day was spent at the office and in front of a computer. We received nearly 200 referrals that we had to sort out. It was not any fun. But in the evening we were able to teach 3 lessons so that was good.
We had a baptism on Sunday! It was a lady called Charmaine. She used to be taught a little bit when I as here last year. Do you remember Alana and Waiora? Well, it's her cousin. So that was really cool . It was E. Davidison's first baptism to do the ordinance. But it was really good.
We have now 5 people set with dates in our area and there's about 15 or 17 in our district with 27 in our zone. There's a lot of people and a lot of really good things going on right now. It's really neat.
Not too much else has happened. Things are going well and I'm doing good. I've calmed down a lot and chilled out and relaxed a bit. So that's always good.

We are having our zone conference tomorrow and I'm really excited for it. Becuase we are having it down in Hamilton! And we are going to the Temple! I'm so super excited for that. We are going tomorrow and then most likely at the end of the winter. So that's going to be pretty special. I just remember what it was like the last time and how exciting it was.