Nofoa translates to sofa, couch, davenport. So, our letters come from Elder Nofoa.
He was able to send pictures this week.
Here he is, on what I think is "One Tree Hill" where they took the Elders the first day.
In our Hawaiian ties the night before going to our assignments.

From his letter:
"Hello everyone in poky! How is everything going? Things are going pretty well here! Oh we had Zone Conference yesterday and it was good but our P-Day is switched to Monday now...We changed it to Monday because this way we can spirtually build and prepare to get investigators to church on Sunday's instead of having 2 days than a huge spiritual break/block and then 3 more days to prep. This way we'll get a whole 6 days to get ready for Sunday. President Cook is awesome. He even did a touchdown dance in the middle of zone conf."

" We had a ward baptism on Mon and our investigator who is getting baptized on the 29 was there and it was way neat! ...Tana and Cheryl are in that boat. They are partners but non members but they are engaged and have been for about a year and a half. They are progressing in the lessons very well. Keeping reading commitments and doing what they need to. We haven't gotten them to church yet but they will most likely come this week. They are such a cool couple. They brought us cupcakes and chocolates on Sunday before church. And they are really grasping what we teach and we feel that once we commit them to baptism (this Friday)

(Elder Cunningham, Elder D's companion)
"We are teaching some other people too. They are all doing pretty well. Most everyone else is in the beginning stages. We find a lot of people when we street contact. We have a daily goal of talking to 10 people a day. People walking on the street or stading in q, or just any unplanned visit we make. So we have a pretty full teaching pool and finding pool so it works out nice."The other day we were in a shop getting water and we talked to this guy and he said we could come and talk and so we got his info and everything. Well we went to "his house" and nobody by the name he'd given us lived there but the guy let us in anyway and we were able to watch the Lamb Of God with him.. WOW! It was crazy good! We found a new investigator on accident! It's something to think about but maybe the spirit prompted that guy at the shop to give the wrong address so we'd find this new guy."
"love you all and it's wonderful here.. been hard and difficult but oh well.. enjoy the pictures!"

Elder Davenport
The fern in our back yard.
1 comment:
Wow! He is growing at an amazing rate!! It seems as if he has been on his mission for a couple of years already. You are an incredible family and Mikevis such a great reflection of that dedication and love. I know that he will be open to the Spirit and convert many through his testimony.
I especially appreciate his sense of humor. Reminds me so much of President Hinckley.
Mike is in our prayers daily as is your whole family.
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