... Well the week... It was amazing! Elder Dixon and I have been trying really hard to be obedient with exactness because we know that doing that will bring blessings. Man I can't express how true it is. The Lord has blessed us so much this week.
...But in focusing on that this week we were able to find 8 new investigators. Margaret and Tessa Hall, (set for July 26th), are still doing really good. They are progressing well. We've taught them the big hic-up lessons. Word of Wisdom, Law of Chastity and the 10 Commandments. We felt if they were going to back down than it'd be sometime during those lessons. They were amazing through them. Committed to all of it. They are such a good example to me.
...We had an amazing night last night. We had a lesson with the Halls, Elder Roberts (area 70) and his wife came to be fellowship. We were teaching L.O.C. They were amazing fellowship for that lesson. Strong spirit. They gave the perfect input when needed. Elder Roberts is such and example. When we called to see if they could come with us he was like one second.. "Honey the missionaries want us to go with them to a lesson tomorrow, is that okay?" haha it was so awesome. When we heard that Elder Dixon and I looked at eachother and were just like... This guy's the man. He's so humble and just an amazing man! His wife can sure cook too!
After the lesson we all went to a musical fireside. President Condie was speaking. He was very good. It was a very good spiritual upliftment..
The sisters were working with a guy who just got out of jail and is waiting for parole. He's been taught everything, wants to be baptized, we just have to wait to find out the dates of his trials and probation to set him. Oh yea. He moved into our ward. So now he's our investigator.
Later that same day we went to visit a L/A, P/M family. The male is a member, his partner isn't, and they have 3 children who have been blessed but not baptized. The partner has been going to church for 10 years but just hasn't been baptized yet. She said that she just hasn't felt right about being baptized. But when went to visit them, in the first 5 minutes of us being there, they told us. "Elders we want to get married, I want to be baptized and we want to be sealed in the temple." You could imagine that our faces just lit up. We were so excited and happy. The male went on to tell us his experiences he's had in the past and why he wants to come back to church. It made me realize that the church is so true because there is nothing in the world that could make somebody totally change their lives from doing way bad things because they realized they weren't truly happy. It was amazing. The Lord has truly blessed us for our obedience and we are going to continue to try to be obedient with exactness because it has been evident to us this week.
Elder Dixon and I get along so well. There's no hitch's and things just flow. I have learned so much from him and I"m just so grateful for him. I taught my first lesson where I totally felt that I relied on the Spirit then just my own knowledge. That was awesome. It's hard though. After I did it I was amazed and thought, wow this is easy. But at the next house, I bombed. It made me realize that I can't just expect the spirit to teach. I have to qualify and do my part for each time I'm teaching.
...Oh yea, I got some funny stories. Well many funny stories about Elder Dixon and I. But the funniest is that people we talk to think he's from America and they think I'm a kiwi. That's probably the funniest thing. I catch myself saying stuff the kiwi way occasionally. It's quite funny.
But I hope all is going well. I pray for you guys and all that good stuff. I love you so much.
Elder Davenport